Sri Abhinava Vidyatirtha Mahaswamiji

विवेकिनं महाप्रज्ञं धैर्यौदार्यक्षमानिधिम् ।
सदाभिनवपूर्वं तं विद्यातीर्थगुरुं भजे ॥

I worship my Guru Sri Abhinava Vidya Tirtha; Endowed with discrimination; Great perception, a repository of courage, Forgiveness and generosity.

Sri Abhinava Vidyatirtha Mahaswamiji, the 35th Jagadguru of the Dakshinamnaya Sringeri Sri Sarada Peetham, was a perfect embodiment of virtues: compassion, truthfulness, patience, fortitude and righteousness. He worked ceaselessly for years—with inspired vision and strength and an immense capacity to elevate people.

Notwithstanding His extraordinary knowledge and proficiency in Shastras, He was able to talk freely with the common man and also convey lucidly the import of tattvas or truth.

H.H. Sri Abhinava Vidyatirtha Mahaswamiji had so extensively and repeatedly travelled from Kanyakumari to Kashmir. Not only that He is the only amnaya Pithadhipati after Adi Shankarabhagavatpada to have visited Nepal. The Jagadguru also organised in May 1979 a historic Summit Meeting at Sringeri with the Jagadguru Shankaracharyas of the three other Amnaya Peethams, Dwarka, Badri and Puri established by Sri Shankarabhagavatpada, thus showing the unity of spiritual strength of the religious leaders.

He was a great Pandit among Pandits; a great Yogi among Yogis. Just by remembering the great saint, all prosperity and welfare will come to us.

H.H. Sri Abhinava Vidyatirtha Mahaswamigal adorned the Vyakhyana Simhasana Throne of Transcendental Wisdom from 1954 to 1989.

Source - Sri Sringeri Sharada Peetham